Exs Condoms
EXS Nano Thin Condoms 12 Pack
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EXS Nano Thin Condoms 12 Pack
EXS Nano Thin is amongst the thinnest quality latex condoms in the world.
They have a width of 53mm, no latex smell, and feel like you are wearing no condom.
Vegan-approved and Cruelty-Free. EXS are vegan approved. EXS takes great pride in being cruelty-free with no animal testing whatsoever. EXS standards have been awarded by the Vegan Society and animal rights organisation, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, PETA.
Quality TestingEXS factories as well as the British Standards Institute (BSI) both test our Condoms.
Our EXS condoms have a number of tests performed on them including, each condom is electronically tested for holes, and samples being burst pressure tested for strength. The quality of the latex we use for our condoms and the vigorous testing we perform means we can be confident that EXS condoms are amongst the best quality condoms in the world.
WIDTH 53 mmTHICKNESS 0.045 mmLENGTH 191 mm
Smooth, plain, natural latex, flared teat ended, and silicone lubricated condom